About The Festival
Where Bharat Meets India
On the occasion of 75th Anniversary of India’s Independence, being rightfully celebrated all over our Country as AZADI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAV, Forum For Art Beyond Borders, brings the biggest and the most inclusive festival to the national capital in December this year, 2022.
Delhi International Arts Festival is a BRAND INDIA FESTIVAL, organized on a public private partnership model. Several Governmental, semi- governmental and non-governmental organizations support DIAF in different ways.
Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav is a joyous occasion to re-tell the arts & cultural story of India to the world by presenting the rich diversity of our art forms from the most traditional to the most contemporary expression of dance, music, theatre, visual arts, films etc by having simultaneous festivals in different venues of various genre and inviting artistes from around the world to perform in our Country, thereby unifying the globe into one aesthetic- VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM.
Tribute to Netaji Subash Chandra Bose
Shaurya Samurai - the first ever Indo-Japan Tribute to Netaji on the occasion of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
Unravelling Netaji's statue at India Gate is a historic move that shifts the national focus from colonialism to Bharatiyata. It further cements the unmatched respect for Netaji among the pantheon of Indian freedom fighters as does justice to the title 'Patriot of Patriots' given to him by Gandhiji. However, Netaji's incredible story would not have been possible without the backing of Japan that sponsored the INA -- from soldiers and equipment to currency and even its first Azad Hind Government. It must also be noted that the theme of ``Kartavya`` is echoed by the Samurai Code of Honor that upholds universal virtues of heroism, courage, honor and patriotism that Netaji exemplified.
Delhi International Arts Festival 2022
Key Performance Of Prasiddha Foundation
Delhi International Arts Festival 2022
WARRIOR WOMEN of BHARAT is dance theatre production conceptualised by the internationally celebrated danseuse & choreographer, Padma Shri awardee Prathibha Prahlad. The multi-style production features Padma Shri awardees Prathibha Prahlad, Shovana Narayan, Anita Ratnam, Alekhya Punjala, Gopika Varma, Sharodi Saikia and Meera Das, performing in their respective styles. The storytellers who will knit the lives of valorous women warriors who lived in different centuries will be Rashmi Vaidyalingam and Averee Chaurey.
Warrior Women Of Bharat is a multi-style dance theatre production featuring celebrated and respected classical and contemporary senior dancers & theatre actors drawn from all over the Country.
Women warriors picked up the sword, when men gave up or were killed to fight for the territorial, physical, and fiscal integrity of their lands. To quote Rani Lakshmi Bai, “ In the words of Lord Krishna, we will, if we are victorious, enjoy the fruits of victory; if defeated and killed on the field of battle, we shall surely earn eternal glory and salvation…” The indomitable spirit of warriors of Rani Velu Nachiyar of Tamil Nadu, Rani Chennamma of Karnataka, Rani Avanti Bai of Madhya Pradesh, Rani Lakshmi Bai and Begum Hazrath Mahal of Uttar Pradesh, Kanakalatha Barua of Assam and Capt. Lakshmi Sehgal of the Indian National Army will be celebrated through this production.
In the last 100 years, the focus has shifted from India’s fight against oppression and colonial rule to fight against societal injustices such as untouchability, illiteracy, uncleanliness and gender inequality. Just as the Champaran movement, spearheaded by Gandhiji, became the first Satyagraha movement which went on to bring freedom to India; our fight now is to clean India in actuality and in spirit.
Mahatma Gandhi, with his humanity, sensitivity and spiritual aura, has been a favoured subject with many artistes. His dynamic character has been brought alive in a visual language through this production –“WALKING WITH THE MAHATMA” that varies from realistic to quasi-abstract.
“WALKING WITH THE MAHATMA” aims to set in motion representations of India, each of which expresses a personal reality as is perceived, imagined or dreamt. In quick succession, scenes change from the meditative quality of Gandhiji’s leadership and vision to the masses taking on cudgels to fight the many injustices; from cleaning the waters of sustenance, preserving ecology, environment to religion, philosophy and striving for a just society. The dance –theatre production moves seamlessly through the various dance forms of Bharatanatyam, Chhau, Thang Tha, and contemporary movement to synthesise through artistic imagery, the many thoughts to be reconciled and the many battles yet to be won.
Cleaning one’s surroundings, fighting for equal opportunities for all, and spinning Khadi which symbolised the Swadeshi movement were espoused & practiced by the Mahatma a 100 years ago.
Our country is the bridge of many perceived polarities – philosophy and art, meditation & movement, science and religion. It is time for us to look into ourselves to attain an affluent, clean society, rid of social inequities and centred from within.
World premiere at Delhi International Arts Festival 2022
A Tribute to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
World premiere at Delhi International Arts Festival